The Affordable Housing Commission consist of seven volunteer Commissioners that meet monthly to discuss strategic policy opportunities to improve and expand affordable housing opportunities in LA. Please visit Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles ( ) to learn more about Section 8 and Public Housing.
These free services provide lists and information about affordable and accessible residential rental properties. In addition, in partnership with the County of Los Angeles, is offered an online affordable housing listing service. LAHD offers the ability to search and apply online for accessible housing. Accessible and affordable housing databases Learn more about our Low Income Purchase Assistance program. You may qualify for financial assistance when buying your first home if you meet certain income requirements. Our Affordable Housing Trust Fund provided funding to developer partner Urban Housing Communities to build Crossings at 29th Street. Here is an example of how our work impacts lives. We also refer residents to the right resources so they can find the best fit for their needs whether they are looking for rental units or to buy a home.
Our role is to provide the funding and partner with developers and social services agencies to build, preserve and maintain quality affordable housing. However, we do not own or manage rental or ownership properties. RIHousing reexamines the tenant’s income and composition at least annually, and conducts inspections every other year.Making affordable housing opportunities more accessible to Los Angeles residents is core to our mission.
If the tenant or landlord fails to meet obligations under the lease, RIHousing has the right to terminate assistance payments. RIHOUSING: RIHousing administers the voucher program, providing families with housing assistance by entering into a contract with the landlord to provide housing assistance payments (HAP). Tenants are expected to comply with the lease and the program requirements, pay their share of rent on time, maintain the unit in good condition and notify RIHousing of any changes in income or family composition. After the first year, the landlord may renew the lease or allow the tenant to remain in the unit on a month-to-month lease. The tenant may be required to pay a security deposit to the landlord. If approved, the family signs a lease with the landlord for at least one year. TENANTS: When a family selects a housing unit, RIHousing must approve the unit and lease to ensure that the unit is located in one of the 19 towns RIHousing’s voucher holders can lease in, that the rent is reasonable, and that the unit passes inspection. The landlord is expected to provide the services agreed to as part of the lease signed with the tenant and the contract signed with RIHousing. The unit must pass the program’s inspection and be maintained up to those standards for as long as the owner rents to the tenant with a voucher.
LANDLORDS/OWNERS: The role of the landlord/owner in the voucher program is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing to a tenant at a reasonable rent. This means that everyone – the tenant, landlord and RIHousing – have obligations and responsibilities under the HCV program. Once RIHousing approves a tenant’s rental unit, the family and the landlord sign a lease, and at the same time, the landlord and RIHousing sign a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract that runs for the same term as the lease.